Jupiter hell numpad movement
Jupiter hell numpad movement

Who knows? Maybe someone wants to map the keys to match their favorite emacs config. If you're gonna offer multiple vanilla options, you can offer custom.

jupiter hell numpad movement

I would recommend offering the following options: Vi-Keys, Numpad, Arrow Keys, wasdqezc (I guess x for rest?), and custom.


When you get to the point when you're trying to figure out how to accept two arrow keys at once or how to handle the non universality of wasdqezc (I guess x for rest?) you should also probably be willing to offer multiple key layouts both through a menu and through a keymap file. For while your game is a prototype, this is a great direction to go. VI keys give you the most players able to play your game with the least work on your part. This has been discussed at length, but I'll leave the summary as this. I get that wasdqezc (I guess x for rest?) will also be good for laptops, but it won't be as universal. They're also a good way to go for people with laptops. VI keys are more for roguelike veterans, but they are extremely comfortable. Press the the R2 button to fire (Remember you cant be to far away from the target or else it wont reach and it fail.) Once the horse is lassoed, you can walk up to the horse and. Aim with L2 (and Keep it held down) and move the cross hair until it is over a wild horse. Love it or hate it, the way its laid out will be sensible to most players. Select your lasso with L1/Left shoulder button and right analog stick. If you really want to make the game intuitive to most people, make diagonal movement by pressing two keys at once possible. Most new players are gonna want to play using the arrow keys because they are the most intuitive. I get that there are people that are gonna want it that way, but developers:įocus on making the game work first.

jupiter hell numpad movement

I'm glad I'm not the only one who was thinking "WASD is only for when movement is your second most important thing and where you are looking is the most important."

Jupiter hell numpad movement